Democratic and leading British brand "Marks & Spencer" has launched it's spring/summer campaign of 'leading ladies' from all cultural background, race and profession commonly united by two
things: Personal style and Inspirational achievements.
According to an M&S spokesperson, Patrick Bousquet-Chavanne, "These dynamic leading ladies represent the unique and diverse women of a modern Britain..."
To this, the campaign features stars, actors, actresses, campaigners, engineers, chefs and models like Alek Wek, Rita Ora, Rachel Khoo, Emma Thompson, Annie Lennox, Doreen Lawrence, Roma Agrawal and Lulu Kennedy all photographed by renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz in a quintessential British setting.
The season's biggest and hottest trends are put to work by these influential and powerful women in the shoot ,such as, monochromes, pastels, metallics and prints all showcasing an embodiment of 'true British style, quality and diversity'.
All items are available to buy in selected Marks & Spencer's stores from 31st March, 2014.