Tuesday 24 June 2014


Okay forgive me but i'm a lover of the bizarre, obscene, weird and sometimes frightening. (Lol). Some of my friends say i'm weird buh well, I don't mind.. Although this is wayy different from my usual posts but I love everything fascinating and something that can spike my curiosity and cause a bit of awe.

I bumped into an article about some bizarre ocean creatures existing that man has ever seen and I simply thought to share with you and maybe enlighten you in every way I can. Nature has a lot that we even haven't uncovered or seen yet. So when you go sea-diving or on a sea exploration and bump into one of these creatures, you would't have a heart attack while under water or think that your village people are at work (Lol, referring to our African fads and beliefs). 

Mind you, you'd need to go to extreme depths of the ocean to find these creatures, so if you're up for it, Bon voyage and please give me deets and updates of how it all went.


I apologize for the graphic image above, our friend (the Angler fish) really gets in the 'Selfie' mood. The angler fish is sure one of the most bizarre and fascinating creatures given to us by nature. It possesses a spine that grows outwards and extensively that glows & in which it uses to lure in other predatory sea creatures that it will devour.
(Not everything that glows/glitters is gold, really!)

Almost all of the Anglers observed where female and their mating habits are seen as unique as they possess

some kind of parasitic growth attached to their lower parts which scientists found out to be greatly reduced male Angler fish. These male Angler's sole objective in life is to find and mate with a female angler, which they do by biting and fusing/attaching themselves to her, at this point they are co-dependent, they share the same circulatory system and when she (the female angler) is ready to get pregnant, he simply lives up to his duties as a loving, doting partner (lol) by providing her with sperm which she uses to impregnate herself.


These sharks were first discovered in the 19th century and are rare, they live deep below the oceans blue and confine themselves to the lowest depth of the ocean, away from the public eye. This unique and ugly creature with a flabby nature possesses a long, flattened snout, claw-like teeth and protruded jaws.


Oh please, 'Don't judge a book by its cover'.. or rather in this case, "don't judge a fish by its looks" this scary looking fish as menacing as it looks is quite gentle, although possessing the largest, scariest fangs/teeth than any other ocean creature.

Okay, you don't trust or believe me?.. aiight listen, this menacing creature has a poor eyesight and literally needs to bump into its prey to find it in order to feed or hunt. It resides as far as 16,400 feet beneath sea level. Alright that's a weakness you might want to exploit and take caution with if ever you are crazy enough to go on a wild exploration.


These frightful tiny fishes are found in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans and are found 50 meters below sea level. They derive their name from how razor-thin they are (no extreme dieting needed). It possesses bioluminescent properties which allows it to easily evade predators lurking in the depths below.

However terrifying and nerve racking it is to look at (..I see you cringing your face), the Hatchet Fish is hardly imposing, let alone deadly.


The Blob fish was considered as the world ugliest animal in 2013.... I guess it still should be in 2014 (Please Be..), It's gelatanious and jiggly appearance (lacking no muscle), has captured the interest and attention of millions over the past several years (I bet you wish grannies jiggly arms could capture that much interest, lol).

The Blob fish lives at the very bottom of the ocean, therefore it's flabby appearance as its skin has become as dense as water over time. You'd think this as a disadvantage but, No.  You might wonder how it feeds as well, we need the aid of our muscles & energy to grab, bite and chew our meals.. same as most animals, but imagine a world where all you have to do is float around with your mouth open, while everything you've ever wished or wanted just falls right into it, thanks to gravity.

That's the good life.


This sea creature is incredibly flexible, due to its collagen levels and constitutes a vital part in the sea's ecosystem (Note: every living creature no matter how small or meaningless you may think, has its vital role to play in life/nature). It breaks down detritus and recycles any and all nutrients that comes it's way. 

As its defense mechanism or in dire situations when it needs to ward off predators, the Sea Cucumber can engage in self mutilation by violently contracting their muscles and expelling some of their internal organs out through their anus... oh don't worry, their internal organs do grow back.. (well. unlike yours)

WARNING: Please do not try this at home!


The Flamingo Tongue snail is located in the waters of Atlantic and Caribbean. They feed on toxic sea fans without coming to any harm, they simply absorb the venom of these sea fans which inadvertently becomes toxic to their predators. 

They bear a strikingly beautiful shell but the vibrant pattern aren't the shell itself but its living mantle tissue. The Flamingo tongue snail has become a popular underwater souvenir for scuba divers.

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